Once the Tioga Road closes for the season (generally in early November), this area is accessible only to well-experienced winter enthusiasts with snow shoes or skis. Tioga Road is a scenic 45 mile drive that covers almost 4,000 feet of elevation change. It begins at Crane Flat, travels through Tuolumne Meadows, and then climbs over Tioga Pass. The road is open to vehicles from late May or June (weather permitting) until the first major snow storm after November 1. During this 1 1/2 hour drive, visitors pass through meadows and forests, lakes, and granite domes. Day hikes from the Tioga Road are abundant. For backpackers, there are also numerous trailheads. Some trails provide one way trips into Yosemite Valley. Others, less traveled but no less scenic, head into the northern part of the park. These trails lead through forested areas, deep canyons, past lakes, and finally above the tree-line. In winter and early spring, the snow-covered Tioga Road serves as an ungroomed cross-country ski route for the adventurous and seasoned winter camper. The third region is the @Hetch @Hetchy Reservoir, located in the northwest part of the park; it serves as the portal to many beautiful, but less-well-traveled areas in Yosemite. The Hetch Hetchy Road normally stays open year-round, and the reservoir itself lies at a relatively low 3,900 feet, making this a good area for spring and fall wilderness travel. High temperatures prevail along the trail during the summer months, but this is a small price to pay for the breathtaking areas that can be reached from here.